Powder Temperature Sensitivity of RL 50 in the 33 XC
In extreme long range shooting consistent velocity is a vital component of hit probability. To hammer this point home consider this: The...

Studying Barrel Drift (Structured vs Conventional Barrels)
What is the most effective way of testing barrel drift? Can barrel drift be mitigated without the use of prohibitively heavy barrels? To...

Pressure Testing the 33XC
Load Developing for ELR cartridges comes with special considerations, both for accuracy, but especially for cost. Every time you pull the...

TacomHQ's Structured Barrels Beat the Heat @ American Patriots Gun Club.
Quantifying the claims of firearms products manufacturers is a difficult process. Many claims fall into the category of “interesting, but...

Shooting bugholes on a budget!
Ever since I saw a $350 Ruger American Predator shoot 1/2 MOA groups all day long, I've wanted to see how well this receiver could shoot....

Test: TacomHQ Structured Barrel w/ WTO Swithlug
We've been looking forward to testing TacomHQ's Structured barrel for some time now and finally got our hands on one. Imagine a barrel...

W. H.'s 6mm Creedmoor RPR Tack Driver
Everyone and their brother has jumped on the 6.5 Creedmoor bandwagon. If you listen close enough to the long range chatter, plenty of...

The Imp...
With the growing number of factory offerings in efficient, short action cartridges, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to justify...

The 6.5-06 Ackley - Fast and not quite so furious...
The super-fast 6.5mm cartridges have made their way into the mainstream hunting conversation. The 26 Nosler arrived in 2013 and was...

A Grunt's Grendel...
Lane Ware came to us with a simple request, build him a bolt action 6.5 Grendel. While the rest of us were chasing super long range...